Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Reflections on the last 4 years

Four years ago and on our way to Penang
Four years ago, today, Eric and I boarded a plane and left Austin on our way to Penang.  Little did I know that two years would turn to four years and how much I would grow and change.  To say that our time in Penang was amazing is an understatement.  It is so much more than I can put into words.  I'm not sure if it is Penang, living abroad, seeing the world, becoming a mother, letting go of the expectations of being a working woman, meeting people who became our friends and then our "family", or knowing that the world is an awesome big, diverse, beautiful place, but I am not the same Jenn who left Austin 4 years ago.  I grew up.  I became my own woman in this world.  I became a mother.  I made friends from all over the world.  I have experienced cultures, religions, cuisines that so resonate with me that my heart smiles with joy, love and gratitude.  I've made relationships that I didn't think I deserved and learned the type of friend, partner, wife and mother I desire to be.  I am more patient and kind.  I am more likely to offer help then turn away and judge.  I am happy and grounded.  I am clear that my family is my number one priority and where ever we are, together, we are home.  I am open to the next great adventure, be it here in Austin, or another foreign land, but I am open and ready when it comes.  For those of you who have shared the adventure of the last four years with me, thank you, it's been awesome.  I don't know what the next four years have in store for us but I do know that more greatness is coming.  I'll keep you posted!
Four years later and back in Austin


  1. Dear Jenn - I have this image of you walking through life and as you walk, flowers bloom around you. What an eloquent and wonderful piece, thank you for sharing. I can't wait to hear what happens next on your journey

  2. We'll definitely look you up next time we're in Austin :) xo, Allison & Duy
