Half a year, that was fast. Adalyn continues to be the joy of our lives, growing and changing everyday. This was a big month for our girl, she took 13 flights, visited three countries, three states, swam in the ocean, had her first Thanksgiving and started eating solid foods. Lots of changes, and lucky for us, Adi just rolled with the changes. This month, Adalyn has learned to sit unsupported and she is "talking" to anyone who will listen. Despite changing time zones five times this month, she is still a pretty solid sleeper. She continues to be the happiest baby I've ever seen and her smile brightens up any room she is in. She weights 7.8kg or 17.4lbs and is 67cm or 26.5 inches long and puts her just above normal for her age. Here are a few pictures from her 6 month of life! Enjoy.
Smelling the roses in Northern California |
With Daddy at the Golden Gate Bridge |
Exploring Nature in Michigan |
Riding Mya for the first time |
First taste of solid food |
Adi's first rainforest hike in Borneo |
And her first swim in the ocean! |
The play gym destroyer! |
Sweet Cheeks! |